Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Helpful Tips for your Documents

What Should You Shred, and When?

When we Stage or Redesign homes, often times we discover that people have a huge amount of documents.  And, they're never quite sure when to shred or destroy them.  I found this article with some great advice, from the September 2010 issue of AARP Magazine and thought you might find it helpful ... especially with tax season fast approaching.

"Shred everything with your signature, birth date, Social Security number, account numbers, passwords or PINs. When?

1. Shred credit card statements after 45 days unless you need them for proof of purchase or for tax purposes.

2. Shred bank deposit slips, and ATM and credit card receipts as soon as the transactions appear on statements.

3. Shred bank statements, pay stubs and medical bills after one year.

and finally ...

4. Save indefinitely any paperwork that is related to taxes, mortgage payments, improvements on your home, and medical and prescription records."

I hope you find this information helpful!

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