I will be working with Todd Lazar, Protection 1, in 2011 to coordinate affiliate sponsors for the Women's Council of Realtors, North Shore Chapter luncheons. We plan to emphasize the importance of affiliates to the Women's Council and to promote more referrals. And, especially for those affiliate members who provide financial support by being a luncheon sponsor.
The luncheon dates are 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/5, 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/22, 10/20, 11/17 and 12/8. We do have a few sponsors committed for 2011 but, I believe at this point the schedule is pretty open.
If you are a WCR Affiliate please let me know, by email, which month you would like to sponsor, and give me a 2nd choice just in case someone else beats you to the punch.
There will never be more than two sponsors per month, and I will never schedule two similar companies in the same month (i.e. Residential Plus & Harris Bank). Last year we filled every available slot and, unfortunately, we were not able to accommodate all the requests for sponsorships. We fully expect to do the same in 2011.
The cost is $250 and you & your company name will be featured on all advertising materials at the luncheon and on the monthly
newsletter. The day of the luncheon you will receive an introduction and you will have an opportunity to address the membership. Additionally, you will be allowed to distribute advertising materials, knick-knacks & etc. to all in attendance.
If you are not yet an affiliate member please let me know and I will forward you membership information.
Thank you in advance. I'm confident, with you and your company's support, 2011 will be another great year for WCR.
www.enhanceyourhome.net 847-748-7777 gayle@enhanceyourhome.net